25 FEBRUARY 1938, page 2

There Is Hardly An Issue On Which The Fiihrer's Attitude

falls short of intransigence. The colonial question can be settled only by the unconditional return of the German colonies ; M. van Zeeland's proposals meet with the simple......

Idlers And The Dole A Serious Flaw In Our Social

system has for some time been exercising the minds of everyone connected with the administration of unemployment assistance, and Mr. Ronald Davison, in a letter to The Times,......

India's Constitutional Problems The Constitutional...

all have good results if it is solved as amicably as seems likely at present ; for in fact only by such disputes can a body of convention and precedent be built up which will......

Assimilated Austria How Far, And How Quickly, The...

Austria is to proceed is by now merely a domestic concern of Ger- many's After the events of the last week, it is clear that no other Power will interfere, while Austria's own......

Rumania's Constitution Rumania's New Constitution, Which...

by the electorate next Thursday, gives effective dictatorial powers to King Carol and rigidly restricts opposition movements ; but it is idle to pretend that anything better is......

Teruel And After For The Last Ten Weeks The Fortunes

of war in Spain have centred on Teruel ; this phase ended on Tuesday when the Nationalists re-entered the city, without, however, capturing the Government troops who fought......