Taste And Fashion From The French Revolution Until Today By
James Laver Mr. Laver succeeds in handling the esoteric subject of costume with pro- fundity and without pedantry : would that other museum officials could follow his example.......
An Elizabethan Puritan : The Life Of Arthur Golding By
L. T. Golding This book (New York, R. R. Smith, $3.50) is a work of family piety ; and we may be grateful for the sentiment when it leads a latter-day descendant of a minor......
Past And Future Of Ethics By M. A. R. Tuker
Today, when rival ideologies, rival modes of political and social organ- isation are not only so numerous and divergent but so widely discussed, it is important that a proper......
Out Of Africa By Karen Blixen
The outstanding quality of this book (Putnam, its. 6d.) is charm : its delight- ful jacket, in green tapestry, of African beasts and birds, clothes a body of careful pleasant......
A Passport Round The World By Charles H. Holmes
Presumably any Australian can obtain a passport to travel round the world, and, one imagines, almost any literate Australian could have written as good a book as this......
King Charles And The Conspirators By Esme...
The title of this book (Seeker and Warburg, as.) and a reference on the dust-cover to " capitalist oligarchy," tend to create suspicion of its historical sincerity : for history......
Shakespeare's Vital Secret
Professor Abel Lefranc has found an ardent disciple in Mr. R. M. Lucas, who in this book (Rydal Press, Keighley, 7s. 6d.) argues that Shakespeare was not, could not have been, "......