Assimilated Austria How far, and how quickly, the Gleichschaltung of
Austria is to proceed is by now merely a domestic concern of Ger- many's After the events of the last week, it is clear that no other Power will interfere, while Austria's own capacity for resistance is too feeble to prevent any change on which Herr Hider is determined. Her independence, in fact if not in form, is at an end. So far, only three steps have been taken : the appointment of Dr. Seyss-Inquart as Minister of the Interior, with control of the police, the amnesty of political prisoners, and the grant to the Austrian Nazis of the right to conduct political activities within the Fatherland Front. But it is significant also that a pro-Nazi adviser has been assigned to the Minister of Commerce, no doubt to arrange for the exports of increased timber which are the first material benefits Germany will receive from Austria. It does not appear that Dr. Seyss-Inquart is going to proceed rashly. Nazi demonstrations have been suppressed, their right to agitate rigidly restricted to the limits set by the Fatherland Front, the use of provocative slogans, including Heil Hitler, prohibited. Some Nazis fear they have been betrayed, some anti-Nazis hope that their worst apprehensions will not be realised. Both are probably deceived, but for the moment Herr Hitler is under no necessity to act quickly or harshly. He can be satisfied with the knowledge that already Germany is in effect on the Brenner, that the way to South East Europe is open, and that, commercially as well as militarily, another link has been added to the encirclement of Czechoslovakia.