[A prize of a Book Token for one guinea will be given to the sender of the first correct solution of this week's crossword puzzle to be opened. Envelopes should be marked " Crossword Puzzle," and should be received not later than first post on Tuesday. No envelopes will be opened before noon on Tuesday. Solutions should be on the form appearing below. The name of the winner will be published in our next issue. Envelopes con- taining solutions must bear a three-halfpenny stamp, otherwise they are surcharged on delivery. Solutions from the U.S.A. cannot be accepted.]
1 2 3 4
5 6 7 8
ACROSS This unhealthy district used to impair a Jane Austen character.
7. Liquid part of a tree.
ti. The writer doesn't watch his grammar in this sen- tence.
14. In the style of a sixteenth century painter.
16. rev. Defile in upper layer of earth ?
19. See 2I.
20. Doubled vowel.
2I. with 19. A good objective for boxers.
22. This moralising discourse is tedious.
23. A drink in a container is smoked in Persia.
24. rev. Nothing would make this handle correspondence.
25. rev. No, not spiritualism ! 29. To the death of a foreigner. 3o. Scott's lady of Beaujeou. 32. No, this gentleman doesn't look after growing children.
34. with 12. List of persons.
35. Ooze through in America.
36. Queer looking garden walk ?
DOWN I. In a cold climate this cake would be frosted I 2. Along a sou (anag.).
3. The least bit of skein ?
4. Repeaters. 5. rev. " Loosen thy sword in the scabbard and settle the . . . on thine head."
6. Pertaining to a court.
7. rev. You will get robust living in these dwellings.
8. rev. As between a clasp.
9. Some consider this fort too strong ! to. rev. Leave this blank.
12. See 34.
13. When these wave it doesn't cause 7 across !
15. rev. This god has some- thing to blow about I 17. Shut oneself up.
18. rev. " Ay me ! what . . . do environ The man that meddles with cold iron."
26. Bird which caused an amus- ing incident.
27. Quartz allied to agate.
28. Not a vessel of tin ?
31. rev. Keats's was Grecian. 33. My first is unchecked in x across, my second in 7 across.