25 FEBRUARY 1944, Page 13


Sta,—Has " Officer's Wife " considered that in sending her children to an elementary school she is placing them almost entirely in the society of children of the lower class, that is to say, children of the least educated parents? While the teaching of some elementary schools is admittedly good, children learn so much from one another that I should hesitate to condemn them to the society of one class. In a good middle-class school are generally to be found all sorts and conditions, as there are usually present the children of those rising and falling in the social scale.

A bright, intelligent child educated in en elementary school tends to get too great an opinion of his own powers—the cocksureness of one who stands out too clearly from his fellows, so different from the humility of true learning.

I believe in free education for all ; in a real mixture of all classes and the stamping out or snobbery ; but until that arrives, like the socialists who pay super-tax, I send my child to the best school I can find and pay.