25 FEBRUARY 1944, page 14

The Indians Of Canada

StR,—Recently there was published in The Spectator an article by Miss Honor Croome on Canada. This article stated that the Indian popula- tion was now increasing, that the......

M.p.'s Employed Abroad

SIR,—In these days, when we hear so much about democracy, it is odd to find His Majesty's Government losing sight of the elementary demo- cratic principle that a member of......

St. Valentine's Day

SIR,—Two notes. One for Mr. Harold Nicolson. Last week he regretted that St. Valentine's Day " should have lost all hold upon our national habits." Let me console him. I am......

Canada And The World

Sta,—Mr. Willis makes a fair point. I should not have used the word " exactly " in a geographical connotation. But I must emphasise that politically and psychologically my......

Country Life

ON the subject of imported animals, discussed recently in a report of the Ecologists, the number of species greatly exceeds those quoted. For example: a landowner in Southern......

Monte Cassino Mr. L. G. Wickham Legg Asks An Organist

friend to play him the Finale of Mendelssohn's Sixth Organ Sonata, he may find the solution to the musical problem set him in Monte Cassino monastery forty years ago.......

Marriage Guidance

SIR,—We continue to receive so much correspondence as a result of the recent article on " Marriage Guidance," by Dr. E. F. Griffith, that perhaps you would kindly allow us to......