Disarming Germany
Stw,—I have read with much interest the letters which have appeared in your correspondence column on the subject of Disarming Germany, but so far, however, an obvious and most......
A Parent's Experiment
Sta,—Has " Officer's Wife " considered that in sending her children to an elementary school she is placing them almost entirely in the society of children of the lower class,......
Is English Doomed ?
SIR, -It is not clear from Sir Herbert Grierson's letter whether or not he agrees with Mr. Lewis that the Norwood Report has " doomed " University Schools of English ; and this......
Monte Cassino Mr. L. G. Wickham Legg Asks An Organist
friend to play him the Finale of Mendelssohn's Sixth Organ Sonata, he may find the solution to the musical problem set him in Monte Cassino monastery forty years ago.......
University Sailors
Sn1,—The statement in your article " University Sailors " that " Under- graduate naval ratings . . . are the only fit young men of their age in this country now permitted to......
The Substance Of Soil Sir, —as A Commercial Grower Of...
I read with much interest Mr. Bowles' letter on this subject. The trouble is he offers no scientific evidence for his theories. Without this his letter will not cut much ice......