StR,—Recently there was published in The Spectator an article by Miss Honor Croome on Canada. This article stated that the Indian popula- tion was now increasing, that the Indian was on the up-grade, and that he was becoming an intelligent, useful member of the community. Ex- amples were given of what the Indian could do ; the Iroquois con- structional steel-workers were cited as an outstanding example.
Mr. Basil Wright in his second article states, " The Eskimos, unlike the Indians, are not a dying race, and they show every sign of being able to assimilate some of the ideas and skills of modern Western civilisation." It may be that this only refers to the Indians of the North-West, for the quotation is from a paragraph on that area, or is it that one of these two views, if applied to all Canada, is wrong?—Yours faithfully,
zoo Nithdale Road, Plumstead, S.E.r8. JOHN MARSHALL.