[To TIRE EDITOR or THE SPECTATOR.") Suz,—I have carefully read
the letter signed by 5Ir. W. A. Jukee in your issue of the lath inst. as one deeply interested in all labour questions, and particularly those dealing with profit-sharing. May I ask why it is necessary to go into each a deeply complicated scheme se Mr. jukes proposes? My experience, which is of a practical nature, is that a scheme of this kind, to he successful, most be as simple as possible, and mast not develop any complications whatever. My own scheme is simply that 10 per cent. of my profits are divided amongst my employees pro rata to their salaries. As far as I can see, the scheme has been quite satisfactory, and certainly I have heard no complaints about its working. Knowing the working classes as I do, I am quite sure that the scheme outlined by Mr. Jukes would not be practicable, as the working classes, in any experience, are always suspicious of any scheme which savours of complications, and which they do not understand.—
M.P. for Meocissfield (Cheshire).
I Lombard Court, E.C. 3.