Readable Novels. — The Silent Battlefield. By Mary L....
and Hall. 7s.)—A story of an illegitimate child, whose mother "makes good" in a country shop, which the son expands into a groat business. The characters of the drama are well......
Some Books Of The Week.
!AVM. in this Mama does not aeetaarity pseuds subsequent resins.] Ties QUAIITEILLIF3. — The Edinburgh for January opens with suggestive article on "Profit Sharing in......
A LITTLE SH1E.t Taus are changed since Byron wrote :— " Roll on, thou deep and dark blue ocean—roll I Ten thousand fleets sweep over thee in vain ; Man marks the earth with......
The Origin Of Consciousness..
THE purpose of Professor Strong's book is to consider " whether consciousness can be so conceived that its evolutionary origin shall be possible," and so to lay the foundations......
French-canadians In Ontario.•
Ms. Wn.uaes H. Moons has written an interesting book upon what he calls " the clash " of the two nationalities of Canada— the French and the English. He has written more......