A Short History Of S.p.c.v. By W. K. Lowther Clarke.
(S.P.C.K. le. net.)—The Editorial Secretary of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge has written a spirited sketch of its long and useful career, from 1698 to the......
Some Books Of The Week.
!AVM. in this Mama does not aeetaarity pseuds subsequent resins.] Ties QUAIITEILLIF3. — The Edinburgh for January opens with suggestive article on "Profit Sharing in......
The English Historical Review Contains A Most Interesting...
Mr. Miller Christy on " Queen Elizabeth's visit to Tilbury in 1588." The Queen went by barge to Tilbury on August 8th, stayed the night at Arderne Hall, and next day reviewed......
Jane's Fighting Ships, 1918. (sampson Low. 30s. Net.)—...
volume of this standard navel handbook, now edited by Mr. Maurice Prendergast, is exceptionally interesting because it gives information about the many new and powerful vessels......
A Lucid Account Of The Measures Taken By The Church
in Wales to organize itself as a Disestablished body is contributed by the Rev. Maurice Jones to the Church Quarterly Reriew. Member. ship of the Church for the next three years......
Nelson's History Of The War. By John Buchan. Vol. Xxi.
(Nelson. 2s. ed. net.)—Colonel Buchan in his excellent history of the war has reached the eve of the offensive of last March. His account of Caporetto and its consequences is......
Mr. Alexander Devine In His Notes On Montenegro, No. 3
(published by the author at Winchester), asserts that there is a Southern Slav intrigue against the independence of Montenegro, and that " the voice of Montenegro and any......
Blessed Giles Of Assisi. By Walter Iv. Seton. (manchester...
Press, for the British Society of Franciscan Studies.) —Giles of -Assisi was the third disciple to throw in his lot with St. Francis in 1208 or 1203. He is known to readers of......