Ms. Wn.uaes H. Moons has written an interesting book upon what he calls " the clash " of the two nationalities of Canada— the French and the English. He has written more particularly of that French and Roman Catholic minority which exists in the two English and Protestant Provinces of Ontario and Mani- toba. As always happens when a Roman Catholic minority lives under a Protestant system, there in friction over the educa- tion of the children. At present by Regulation 17 of the Ontario Code no subject may be taught in French in any Provincial school. It is at this regulation that Mr. Moore's book is aimed. He vehemently supports the French Roman Catholics in their demand for complete educational freedom, and considers its refusal to be contrary to the spirit of the British Empire. In his Introduction (which affords mach the best reading in the book) Mr. Moore seeks to meet the contention that it would be madness, at this of all moments, to hand over the education of any Canadian citizens to a pro-German priesthood. He sets out to show that, far from being pm-German, the interests of the Papua, lie all on the other aide. There are more Roman Catholics in the Allied countries, more Protestants in Germany, &e., &c. But he fails to say anything of the fact that the Germans and Austrians are the sole remaining supporters of the temporal power of the Vatican. And what would a Pope not do if he might rule Rome again ? It is its insane hunger for temporal power which has ruined the Vatican and drawn it from its legitimate duties. To borrow Burke's words once more, the Vatican under the narrow and bigoted leading of the Ultra- montanes has come to think that it is bettor to domineer in a parish of bigots than to inspire the whole Christian world. The question is admittedly involved. In the abstract and in- stinctively our sympathy goes out to Mr. Moore and his cry of "Freedom." The difficulties lie in the practical applications of the law. We congratulate ourselves that our Dominions are self-governing, and so must settle steal terribly vexed questions for themselves.