An Introduction to the LiteratuA of the New Testament. By
lames Moffatt. (T. and T. Clark. 15s. net.)—Dr. Moftatt's well-known manual of New Testament criticism—a painstaking and scholarly piece of work which gained instant recognition when it appeared in 1911—has now reached a third edition, The author has revised it throughout and added fresh references ; " after surveying the work done in the department of New Testament criticism during the past seven years," he adds, " I do not find reason to change my views on any essential point." In the appendix, for instance, he nays " None of the recent attempts made to date the three Synoptic Gospels before 70 A.D. moves me one inch from the position outlined" in the text. Dr. Moffatt, whatever his views on controversial points, is a trusty guide through the veritable jungle of commentary and criticism that has grown up round. the New Testament.