l3tivrns.—On the 20th inst. in North Audley-street, the Lady of E. J. Sohirleyd,aEugsgh.toerf n
a son—At Westport, Ireland, o the 14th inst. the Maschioness of Sligo, f a —July 16, at Gurville, Rathmines, Dublin, the Lady of St. George Gregg, Esq. of a daughter—In Stratton-street, Piccadilly, the Lindy of Capt. H. Barnard, Grenadier Guards, of a daughter—On the 23d inst. at the Pavilion, Hans-place, the Lady of Sir Francis Shuckburgh, Bart. of a son and heir—On the 22d inst. at Thorp-hall, Yorskhire, Lady Augusta Milbank, of a daughter—On the 12th lost, at Amsterdam, the Lady !if Haigh,Esq. of Grainsby-hall, Lincolnshire of a son—On the 16th inst. at Dieppe, the Marchioness de Lavalette, of a son.
DIA tAces.—On the 21st inst, at the Marquis NVellesley's, Regent's-park, Sir 11, Hunter, to Miss Botany, of Brighton—At Kensington, on the 20th inst. Maj.-Gen. New- bery, to Margsret, widow of the late Rev. I. Jones, of, and daughter of the late Lieut.-Gen. H. It. Gale—At (lining, near Richmond, Yorkshire, S. Ware, Esq. to H. Divett, widow of the late T. Divett, Esq. M.P.—At Cheltenham, G. B. Arbuthnot, Esq. Madras Cavalry, eldest son of the late Bishop of Killaloe, to Hariette Lorries, youngest daughter of the late J. M. Ormsby, Esq.—July 21, at Wimbledon', Alexander Atherton Park, Esq. second son of the lion. Mr. Justice Park, to Mary Frances, daugh- ter of the late George Brown, Esq. of Russell-squive—On the 2 ist, at his Lordship's residence in Portman-square, were married by special license, by the Right Hon. Lord F. Beauclere, M.A. the Hon. Edward Petre, to the Hon. Laura Maria Stafford Jennings ham, fourth daughter of the Right Hon. Lord and Lady Stafford 5 the ceremony having been previously performed viceurding to the rites of the Roman Catholic church by the Right Rev. Dr. Bramston, V.A.—On the 25th inst. D. J. Oldermann, of Hamburg, to Miss E. Westley, of the Strand—On the 21st inst. at Felbrigg, by the Venerable Arch- deacon Glover, the Rev. John Billington, of Rennington, in the county of Rent, to Maria, third daughter of the late George Wyndham, Esq. of Cromer-hall, Norfolk—On the 22:I inst. at Felbrigg, by the Rev. John B. Cremer, the Rev. Cremer Cremer, rector of Felbrigg eIlt1 Melton, to Marianne, ehlest daughter of the late George Wyndham, Esq. of Cromer-hall, Norfolk—On the 21st inst. at Derehitm Church, by the Rev. T. Holton, Capt. W. S. H. Fitelloy, eldest son of Lient-General the Hon. Win. FitzRoy, of Kenmstone, to Miss Bagge, youngest !laughter of Thomas Bagge, Esq. of Steadset- hall, Norfolk—On the 16th inst. at Alrienham, Salop, the seat of Sir Richard Acton, Robert George 'Phrock nimbus Esq. of Buck:land, Becks, to Elizabeth, the only (laughs ter of the late Sir John Acton.
D MAT fl S.—On the 121h inst. at his father's house, Stephen's-green, Dublin, the Rev. Lewis saurin, third son of the Right Hon. W. and Lady H. Saurin—On the 17th inst. uf apoplexy, at Epping, 011 his road to Bury St. Edmund's, Lieut.-Gen. H. Conran, Col. of the 98th Reg. aged sixty-two—At St. Rose, county of Effingham, Mr. Francois Forgue, lit ISIortigean, aged 120. Ile was born in Quebec in 1709 ; passed part of his life in the French West India Islands m and was present at the most retnarkz:ble events where Canadian valour was distinguished—At Laxton Hall, inn Northamptonshire, G. Evans, Esq. brother if the Right Hon. the Lord Cannery—At her residence near Lydd, inn Kent, Mrs. Murray, aged 86, widow of the late General Murray—At Ilchester, Seabra Edwards, widow, aged 101-0n the 17th inst. at Dieppe, the infant son of the Marquis de Lavalette.