The Cockney Fleet.
SOME little decked boats, with very large sails, taunt masts, and dis- proportioned spars, sail about the wide waters of Putney and Bat- tersea, and are absurdly styled by their......
Sontag's " Zerlina," And Blasis' " Donna Anna."
THE Morning Journal has the subjoined just critique on the per- formance of Don Giovanni on Thursday night. We intended to offer sonic observations on the same subject ; but our......
New Engravings.
Mr. Mims has just published a plate of Miss M. TREE as Viola, both painted and engraved by himself. The countenance of the charmer, who by her retirement has left so many of......
Pious Fraud Of The "anti-slavery Reporter." The...
monthly pamphlet of acknowledged talent and well-deserved celebrity, has condescended to allude to "am obscure periodical work called the SPECTATOR." It is possible that this......