East India Shipping. Friday Evening.
Notwithstanding the recent prevalence of Westerly winds only two arrivals from India have been reported this week. Of these the Dunvegan Castle brings advice s from Columbo to......
Tits ars EMPEROR OF Russis.—Alexander delighted in the society of learned men : he was not himself a man of letters, but he was desirous of instruction, and also that they......
The Church.
CAM MUDGE, July 24.—The Rev, It. NVatkinson, B.D. formerly Fellow of Emmanuel College, Cambridge, has been instittnted, by the Lord Bishop of London, to the Vicarage of Earl's......
From The London Gazettes.
7'uesday, July 21. PA rzTNErtsni es Dissoix els—Myth and Gallic, Edinburgh, metal-merchants—Nay- don mid Co. Greenhorn-mill, Somersetshire, flax-spinners; zns far as regards......
Births, Marriages, And Deaths.
l3tivrns.—On the 20th inst. in North Audley-street, the Lady of E. J. Sohirleyd,aEugsgh.toerf n a son—At Westport, Ireland, o the 14th inst. the Maschioness of Sligo, f a —July......
- The Army.
WAR...OFFICE, July 20. - 1 Eh Light Dragoons ; Cor. T. B. Begot, to be Cor. — Ist Foot Guards ; Lieut.-Col. R. Beamlnamp, to be Capt. and Lieut.-Col. ; Ens. and Lieut. J. B.......
Lite Ra Rn' Announcements.
BOOKS IN T/1 E reess, PILEPARINO FOIL coui.icAnox. Mr. Haus, the publisher of the" Golden Lyre," Cr Specimens of the Poets of England, France, Germany, find Italy, is preparing......