Notwithstanding the recent prevalence of Westerly winds only two arrivals from India have been reported this week. Of these the Dunvegan Castle brings advice s from Columbo to the let of March, from Mauritius to the 19th of April, and from St. Helena to the 5th of June. The Ctesar, from Bengal, is of an older date than the Thalia, which arrived several weeks ago. The Meg Merrilies, Calicott, is supposed to be lost on the Coromandel coast. The hull and part of the cargo of the Columbine, recently wrecked near the Cape of Good Hope, have been sold for about 78,000 Rix Dollars. Another portion of her care,' supposed to be sound, and of the value of 20001. has been forwarded to New South Wales on the Patience.
The Surrey, Kemp, with convicts for New South Wales, has been a shore On the Goodwin Sand, but got off with loss of stream anchor and cable.
Arrived.—At Gravesend, July 233, Cesar. Watt, from Bengal and Cape. Inn the Downs, 223, Donvegan Castle, Finley, from Ceylon and Mauritius. At St. Helena, previous to 3t1 June, Katherine-Stewart-Forbes, Chapman, from Bombay ; June 3d, Manlius, Jai, sten, from Batavia ; 4th, Isabella, Parker. from Mauritius. At Mauritius, April 10th, Dryad, Kellock, from London. At Batavia, March 3d, Newton, Rising ; and 2Sth Arethnsa, Johnston, from London. Sailed.—From Gravesend, July 19th, William, Young, for New South Wales; 203h Deveron, Nicholls, for Van Diemen's Land; 21st, Fairy Queen, Haviside, for Bombay. From Liverpool, July 17th, Agatha, Taylor, for Cape. From Clyde, July 17th, Retrench,
Cooper, for the Cape ; 18th, Harmony, wing, for Calcutta. Spoken.—H. C. Ship Windsor, Haviside, from London to Madras and China, 21st May, off the Cape. SATURDAY MORNING.
Sailed.—From Gravesend, July 24th, Lavinia, Brooks, for Mauritius.