Pastrumeants: PARTIEs.—On Monday, Dlr. Secretary Peel gave a grand dinner
to the Alargrave of Baden. On Tuesday, the Duke of Grafton, and Lady Mary Petre, had dinner parties. On Wednesday, time Earl of Aberdeen and the Duke of Grafton gave dinners. The Duchess of Kent entertained a select party at dinner. On Thursday, the Hon. Mr. and Mrs. Hope gave a grand entertaininent at their seat, Deepdene, near Dork- ing, to the Duke and Duchess of Clarence, and the relatives of the Duchess now in this country. On Friday, Lady Keith gave a ball, Dinners were given by the Duke of Grafton, Sir Henry Hardinge, Sir Edward Codrington, Lord Saye and Sete, Dowager Lady Brownlow, and the Vicountess Keith. lii.ocurios.—The gentleman who advertises lessons on elocution in the SPEC- TATOR of this day, is the same Mr. Jones, of whom favourable mention was made in our pages about three weeks ago, in a notice- of the late Mr. Terry, the actor. It consists with our knowledge, that Mr. Jones has given instructions in the same art, in Edinburgh, with the very marked approbation of the tnost distinguished individuals in that rather fastidious city. It is confidently asserted in the medical circles, that the Marquis of Douro is about to share his rank and fortune with time accomplished daughter of an eminent son of sEsculapius, who was the private and confidential attendant of the Duke of Wellington during the whole of the Peninsular war. The fair enchantress, Miss Hume, has for several years been a frequent visitor at Apsley House, and during these occasions the attachment was formed. The noble Premier is. sanl to have given his consent, provided his son shall have the same matrimonial Incli- nation at the end of two years, and more than one year of the term of prohatioa has already expired.—Illorning Paper, '