25 JULY 1835, Page 13



The Consol Market has continued my steady, and has been in a state of inactivity, since our last report. The notification about the \Vest Indian Loan is still delayed, and we think it is likely to be postponed for some time longer ; indeed, we do not see how the Government can venture upon any measure of such financial importance, in the unsettled state of party politics It seems very probable that the Budget will not be brought forward until the Municipal Re- form and Irish Church Bills have both passe4I the House of Lords ; so that the suspense of the capitalists upon the subject of the loan, may be prolonged fur some considerable time. In the mean while, the public are still investing. Money Stock continues scarce, and there is little prospect of any extensive bu- siness until the Ministerial plans are known. Some sales have occurred in :3i per Cents., in anticipation (it is said) of the approaching Loan.

In the Foreign Market, the demand for Spanish has continued, and the prices have improved to quotations higher than any that have been readied since the panic. The purchasers of Active Stock have lately increased considerably ; and a fair demand has existed for Bonds for the Continental markets. The appear- ance of the market is better than it has been for some time; and the prospects of the holders of Spanish Smithies are decidedly improving. The large amount of the stock DWI afloat, and the interruption which the recent panic has given to speculative operations, must prevent the improvement now in progress from being either very rapid or extensive.

The Portuguese Securities are higher by about I per cent. than they were last week. The recent sales of national domains in Portugal, which have gone on so favourably as to realize nearly double the amount of the valuation, have operated favourably upon the prices of these Funds.

The European Continental Securities have not varied in any great acme. The South Amerkan Storks arc nominally at our recent quotations, and the Mining Shares are quite neglected.

75 Consul:, at 891 25 Reduced, 90t 14s. Long Annuities, at 161 67 22 11 s. d.

6 3 12 6 14 6 £101

12 3

The Foreign Funds are lower in consequence of the expected Loan, but the business in them has been unimportant.

3 • er ('ent. Consols

89j 90 Dutch 21 per Cents 5111 4 Ditto for Account 331 90 French 3 per Cents

New 3i per Cent. Annuities 971 93 Greek, 1825.5 per Cents


Batik Stuck

Mexican 6 pe•r Cents. 36f 7

I ndia Stock for Account -

Portuguese 3 per Cents

591 60*

Exchequer Bills

Do. Regency 3 per Cent

901 91 Belgian 5 per Cents. ex. div. 100f Russian, 1822, 5 per Cent 109+ Brazilian 5 per Cents... .. Hat 86

Spanish, 1821, 5 per Cent 50* t

Danish 3 per Cents 761 7 Ditto New Scrip 5 Cent.... 93 9 die


Immediately on the opening of the market this morning„ some extensive sales of Consols were made by two influential brokers, and the price for the Account was depressed as low as 89. It has, however, since recovered, and is now 897, 90. It is generally believed that the arrangements for the West Indian Loan are completed ; and it is said that the official notification of the terms will he made today. It is now understood that it will be an open Loan, and that the Ministet will give due notice that he is willing to receive subscriptions to a certain named amount, giving the subscribers 751.:3 per Cent. Consols, 25/. 3 per Cent. Reduced, and 14s. per annum, Long Annuities, for every IDOL subscribed : upon these terms there can be no doubt of the subscription filling immediately, as it will be seen by the calculation below, that the investment affords a premium of between I and `3 per cent. on the capital subscribed.