Captain John Hanchett, R.n., Was Brought L:z Fore The...
Street Magistrates, on Tuesday, on a peace warrant, obtained by Mr. Stephen Rumbold Lushington, M. P., in consequence of certain hostile manifestations towards him on the part......
Erbe Sfirtroy0ii#.
The Court of Common Council met on Thursday. After a good deal of preliminary discussion, Mr. Pritchard moved, "That it is the right of every member of this Court, at any time......
Clebatel Anti Procrain0 In Landiantritt.
I. IRISII CHURCH REFORM. Numerous petitions against the Irish Church Bill were presented to the House of Commons, on Tuesday, by Sir ROBERT PEEL, Mr. LE- /ROY, Colonel PERCEVAL,......
Lord Brougham has been "showing 61T" at Liverpool, being engaged to perform on the occasion of laying the foundation of a new Me- chanics Institution. His Lordship arrived at......
Qrb, Catlin.
ON Sunday, the King and Queen attended divine service, in the pri- vate chapel at Windsor Castle; after which, the King took an airing in an open carriage with Sir Matthew......