Life Of Sir James Mackintosh.
TDB true biographical interest lies in the adventures or the feelings of the hero, or in the display of the growth and forma- tion of his mind. An autobiography may not be......
It Appears By The Reports From Architects Relative To The
condition of the walls of St. Stephen's Chapel, which reports have just been printed, that the remaining walls are quite unfit for use, and ought to be taken down. Out of ten......
Tile Orange Plot.
lavish] probably still be a deficiency in the revenue : but could not 1st. That the number of Orange Lodges is about 1500, each con- 31r. SPRING RicE talk over the matter with......
Tile English Opera-house.
IT is not very easy to understand the polities of this house. One thing only is clear—that English operas, both old and new, are proscribed : STORACE and SHIELD, as well as......
A Foreign Nobleman Attached To The Household Of His...
arrived in London lust week on a special diplomatic mission. lie claimed exemption of customs for his carriage, which he paid under protest ; he refused to pay 201. duty on a......
Specfator's Library.
BIOGRAPHY. Memoirs of the Life of the Right Honourable Sir Jame! Mackintosh. Edited by his Sou. Hobert James Mackintosh, Esti Fellow of New College, Oxfor d' I n 2 yids Moron.......