Want of room prevents our giving the votes on the
great division of yesterday morning on the Irish Church question ; but upon looking over the lists, we find that the names on each side are, with few excep- tions, the same as on the division on Lord Jolts RUSSELL'S resolution, which gave the deathblow to the PEEL Ministry. Mr. ANDREW JOHNSTON, we observe, has changed sides, and voted with Ministers; and Mr. FowEl.L Bex•ros's name also appears in the list of the ma- jority. Query—did the latter gentleman actually vote? As for Mr. JOHNSTON, the motive for his abandonment of a great principle is transparent : his repentance, however, may have come too lute.
The Morning Post furnishes us with the following analysis of the Division-lists ; with ludicrous earnestness making it an important re- mark, that the Ascendancy party had a majority of 8 among the English Members, though they were beaten by the Scotch and Irish.
For the Motion. Against.
English 232 221 Scotch 16 32 Irish 34 63
232 319 For 252 Against 319 Tellers 4 Paired 23 Speaker Vacant (Stafford) Absent 23 Total 653
The numbers on Lord JonN RUSSELL'S resolution were 322 and 289; the majority 33.