25 JULY 1835, Page 14



THE prospects of the Reformers at the next election have beet' much improved by their recent exertions. A large addition has been made to the numbers of those entitled to vote. The best information we can obtain on the Abject leads to the belief that a dissolution of Pailian-.ent in the autumn would considerably strengthen the Liberal party ; and we may safely challenge the vaunting Tories to put their threats into execution, and meet us at the hustings.

It is, however, all-important to secure the advantarre thus gained ; and this can only be done by persevering attention and activity. The Overseers' lists must be carefully examined, be- tween the 1st and 25th of August ; and before the 25th of August claims to be registered must be served on the Overseers, together with notices of objection to persons improperly placed on the list. If this is not done, the payment of taxes on or before the 20th of July, will, in many eases, ho found to have been of no avail. Pre_ parations should also be made fOr the struggle in the Revising Barristers' Courts, where only the comparative strength of partieS can be finally settled.

The Tories have been very active as well as the Liberals ; and the Reform Act will soon be brought lbr the first time into full operation. We rejoice at this : hitherto both parties • have heed without the data for calculating their respective force ; but the opinions of the new constituencies as far as they can be ascer- tained by the defective process of open votiong, will be maailbstel at the next General Election.