By narrowing the field of dispute, and adhering tenaciously to
one unchanging demand, Mr. Hay, the American Secretary of State, has secured a diplomatic victory over St. Peters- burg. He was not prepared to insist that Russia should evacuate Manchuria, the possession of which is of no import- ance to the Union ; but he did insist that trade with the province should be open to all nations, and that China should be permitted to open three new ports. The Russian Govern- ment, being aware that on this subject America would be supported by Great Britain and Japan, according to American accounts, yielded after a stubborn resistance ; and the ports are to be opened. The English in Pekin believe that Russia will break the new pledge, as she has broken others ; and a recent telegram affirms that China has, after all, refused to open the ports. We think, however, that this statement is due to Chinese ignorance of the negotiations between Washington and St. Petersburg, and in any cannot affect the result. If Russia has to yield, so will China and Prince Ching.