Ito Tile Editor Op Tier " Sprctat011.1 Sir,—i Have Read
Mr. Crombie ' s letter in the Spectator of July 11th with interest. I entirely agree with you that all trade is exchange, but what neither you nor Mr. Crombie seem to realise is......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator. "] Sra,—there Is A Reply
to Sir Conan Doyle ' s motor-car problem that I should like to bring forward. He says that it is this transaction (the purchase of a motor-car), or similar transactions,......
[to The Editor Op The " Spectator."
SIB,—There is a cause for our greater proportionate increase of imports than exports which I have not seen noticed by any writer. That cause is the repayment of capital. Twenty......
[to The Editor Op The "spectator."
SIR,—Let Sir Conan Doyle keep steadily before his mind the question, " With what do we pay for our imports P " (of which his Parisian motor is one), and his difficulties will......
[to The Editor Of The "spectator."] Sir,—sir Conan Doyle...
give work to Englishmen rather than to Frenchmen, because he is more interested in the welfare of England than in that of France. It may be presumed that a man is more......
• [to The Editor Op The " Sprotator." . 1 Not The
simplest answer to Sir Conan Doyle to ask him for a moment to suppose that there were no such thing as money P Then how could he get his motor-car except by " swopping "......
[to The Editor Of Tiir "spirit/corm Have Been Deeply...
in reading the letters which have appeared in the Times and other Protectionist organs on the subject of Mr. Chamberlain ' s scheme. They make me regret that it was my fate to......