The French Appear To Have A Strong Idea That William
II. is trying to intervene in the Papal election. They say that the Emperor considers the support of the Papacy essential to his Weltpolitik, and that all German and Austrian......
The Novoe Vremya, The Leading Paper Of St. Petersburg, Is
very indignant at the despatch of Colonel Younghusband to Thibet. The mission shows, says the journalist, that the British Government is preparing to make its influence felt in......
The Business Of The Papacy Is Carried On During The
inter- regnum by the Camerlengo, Cardinal Oreglia. The Conclave meets for the election on August 2nd, and it' is believed that all the ancient ceremonies, most of which are......
By Narrowing The Field Of Dispute, And Adhering...
one unchanging demand, Mr. Hay, the American Secretary of State, has secured a diplomatic victory over St. Peters- burg. He was not prepared to insist that Russia should......
The Long Struggle Between Death And The Pope, Which...
lasted for seventeen days, ended at four o'clock on Monday afternoon. Just before noon the breathing of his Holiness became difficult, the last ceremonies of the Church were......
News Of The Week.
T HE King's visit to Ireland, which began on Tuesday, promises to be most successful. He was received on the way from Kingstown to Dublin with the warmest applause, and in......