25 JULY 1931, Page 14


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.]

SIR,—In his very instructive article, " An Italian Experi- ment," which appeared in your issue of July 4th, the Rev. H. W. Fox deems it an impertinence to complain of noise in Italian cities, and adds that " the remedy is in our own hands." That is just where reference becomes pertinent, for the obvious remedy is one that neither the Italians nor their visitors desire.

Nerve-racking noise is not confined to cities and towns, the evil has extended itself to the Lake District, where places of incomparable beauty which have for many centuries been centres of attraction are rapidly becoming deserted by that class of visitor which the inhabitants have been accus- tomed to entertain, and upon which they have in a great measure learned to rely for their support and well-being. Of the many sufferers, some few are optimistic enough to hope that publication of their experiences may lead to a remedy. The kindly people who would fain entertain them know full well what is happening, and appreciate their efforts, for it is not visitors alone who suffer. The shriek of the motor horn and the deafening roar of the outboard motor- boat re-echo in empty guest chambers, deserted salons, and adverse balance-sheets.

Italians have a charming manner. They are a most affable people, and it is in their desire to placate all parties that they often fail to satisfy anyone. A pathetic instance of this attitude is apparent in the regulation which defines the hours during which a speed boat is entitled to a full-throated, continuous roar. Those who have- taken -villas on the lake side must put up with the consequences. If one has to be whipped daily, it can add little to one's comfort to know precisely when.—I am, Sir, &e., B. J. HALL, Hotel Bellevue, Lake Como, Italy.