* * * The Force Of Many Vivid Imaginations, Working
through the agency of the C.P.R.E., has been set to the solution. The Oxford Survey is a good example A small but not insig- nificant note appended by Mr. Rayson (an architect......
A Cat's Intelligence.
The developing instinct of a certain London cat ought to interest Mr. Morrison, as well as our biologists. It has learnt the laws of traffic control. Whenever, as often, it......
Yellow Roses.
Yellow is a hardly less natural colour in roses than pink and white--witness the Scots brier; but most gardeners have some trouble in finding satisfactory yellows for their......
It Is Scarcely Possible To Pay Too High A Tribute
to the research work of the little group of Cambridge Mendelians, if one may so call them. Mr. Punnett has followed out as fruitful a line as Sir Rowland. It is, for example,......
Country Life
BURBAN. A new word that carries a considerable freight has been launched, and is likely to enjoy a fair voyage : it is " rurban," or " rurbanization," was built by Mr. Muirhead......
The Presence Of Such A Population, Imbued With Such A
psy- chology, compels in many places a new conception of the social and artistic structure of the county. Not only have factories come south, but they have planted themselves in......
Stand-up Varieties.
The cornfields suffered less than might have been feared. It was astonishing (in the course of a long journey by road just after the storms) to see how very flat were some......
A Boiling Cloud.
A number of queer phenomena, that have not found their way into print, were associated with the queer downpours and " cloud-bursts " of last week. In Oxford, for example,......