Communal Tension In India Continues To Cause Sporadic...
true gravity of which lies in their implica- tions as danger-signals rather than in their immediate local effect. In The Times last week there was a signifi- cant juxtaposition......
Australia The Commonwealth's Drastic Measures Of...
force on Monday and have already strengthened Australia's credit. Salaries and pensions have been cut down and the interest on internal loans has been reduced, while taxes have......
In London In A Sense The London Conference Began In
Paris, for the principal members certainly conferred long and b - us j ily - there. But they left on Suriday and Monday for the first meeting here on Monday evening. Mr. Stimson......
Sunday Theatres We Think That The House Of Commons Committee
did wisely in rejecting an amendment which would have brought stage plays within the scope of the Sunday Performances (Regulation) Bill. Apart from our desire to see the......
India The List Of Members Nominated By The Prime Minister
to the Federal Structure Committee was published last Monday. The Indian membership comprises twenty- eight distinguished and representative names. The English representation......
Parliament On Thursday, July 16th, The Upper House...
Report Stage of the Franchise Bill. For the Govern- ment Lord Passfield said that they would not accept in the House of Commons the drastic amendments made. The Lower House......
On Monday The House Of Lords Gave A Second Reading
to the Agricultural Marketing Bill by 39 votes to 10. Lord Strachie, a former Liberal Minister of Agriculture, moved the rejection on the ground that the Bill fixed the prices......