MIXED BATHING [To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—Greatly daring,
I think that there is something wrong, something indecent, and that mixed bathing offends my sensibility. I pass for an ordinary man " who tries to be as perfect as he can," and I am sure that I often fail badly ; and in anything I say I write for my own class, for I have never been able to understand the mentality of those who are not of that class. I do not claim to be in any way more refined in my feelings than others of my class, and to put it in the least offensive way I shall only say that the very idea of bathing with ladies makes me feel excessively uncomfortable ; even more uncomfortable than the idea of occupying the same room as my wife. I might say much more, but I shall content myself by asking you one question : " Wherein lie, the attraction of mixed bathing ?" either in London or elsewhere, and to this there can I think be only one answer. I include sun bathing, but, if possible, more so.—I am, Sir, &c., ACTAEON. [To the pure. . . : if possible, more so.—Ed. Spectator.]