Tor hat of these agreeable and instructive concerts was on Saturday night. The selection was, substantially, of the same character as that of the preceding concerts. Between the giants of the old school timid of' the new there is a huge gulf—filled with compositions reposing in eternal oblivion, and the destined resting-place of many more now fashionable and admired. MOSCHELES passes nit once from HANDEL to MOZART, and flow BACH to Beeernovee, in utter disdain of their intermediates. Some of these, although of a less lofty musical sta- ture, might have found adtnission into a series of coneerts professedly designed to exhibit keyed instrumental writing in its principal fea- tures. The graceful Deane, lied the profound CLEMENTI—the father of the pianolorte—mieht have been ellowtel to appear; nod, to go much further back, some of the preludes of ORLASH(1 GIBBONS or the pieces of Mao would have !reel' no unworthy exercise even for the powers of MoscnctEs. The compositions of this evening were the Sonata Melancolica of BEETHOVEN, auth his Grand Sonata Concertante, (dedicated to Kneterzett,) iii which the violin pert was finely sustained by Mont ; three Preludes and Fugues by SERASTIAN B ; and a selection (EOM HAND::1:8 Harpsichord pities. TO these were added sonic of MEN. DELSSOHN'S " Lieder nine Worte," (Songs without Worths) in which the author's genius :led fancy temeared much brighter than in the " Song with words," whieb was swig by a Miss BEALE from his Pea In his oratorio he is neifOrmly cautious and strict, trembliegly appre. hensive of stinting from the bounds of regulatity, and constantly rejecting every idea that authorities and models do not supply,—a pro- cess by eltielt the work is stiffened and cramped: but no sooner does lie sit down to the pianoforte than ell is chunged, and he is a new person. Ile gives the reins to his imagination; which becomes fertile, ardeu it. versatile, soul exeursive.
The room wits trim tied ; and we trust that Mr. Morelli:Las has received sufficient eneouragement in this first attempt to induce him to pursue and extend it in successive years.