25 MARCH 1837, page 14

The Ballet.

THE splendid ballet of last season, Beniowshi, has been substituted for the picturesque one of Le Brigand de Terracina ; principally for the purpose of exhibiting HiRMINIE......

Moscheles' Pianoforte Concerts.

Tor hat of these agreeable and instructive concerts was on Saturday night. The selection was, substantially, of the same character as that of the preceding concerts. Between the......

The Theatres.

THERE will be abundance of playhouse amusement for the holyday- rankers this Easter, which will compensate for the lack of other sights. Indeed, were these more numerous. a......

Lockhart's Memoirs Of Sir Walter Scott.

THE prefaces and notes to the collected edition of SCOTT'S Works have made the public acquainted with the quarries whence Sir W ALTER drew his materials, and the circumstances......

Spectator's Library.

BIO0RATTIY. Meteuirs of the Lire or sir Walter Scott. Bart. vol. I. Noway. and Whittaker ; Cada, Edixtunjk. GPSTR•T. LITERATI/NZ, The Miseellaneues Wurks of Oliver Goldsmith.......