25 MARCH 1837, Page 14



Meteuirs of the Lire or sir Walter Scott. Bart. vol. I. Noway. and Whittaker ; Cada, Edixtunjk.


The Miseellaneues Wurks of Oliver Goldsmith. M.II.; includins it Varle1,. eicecs new ii.st eeths.o.d. By James Prior, Anthor of the " Lite of Oold,,iiath.,, the Life ut Berke," &c. Sm. In 4 rola Jimmy,


Jack Brag. By the Author of" Say higs and Doings," " Maxwell," &c. In 3 ti.nt.ey The State Prisoner; a Tale of the French Regency, By Mary Louisa 110,1e,• 2 %Ms Saunders and Ot■e9,


Aunh,is of Railways; eonsisting of n eeries of Reports on the tnelve 1111101mi mill of Projected Itailways in Ermined and Wales now before Parliament ; toge,h4 l■ ki, tho-u' Mel' hive been abandoned fur the preseut Setodon, ksr. Frauds Wit ishaw, C q., Civil .E egineer, M. Inst. C. C. 17144,