Toccata For The Pianeyhrte. By W. P. Beale.
The talents and acquirements of this :infieldsi tames; man were of a high order. He was an ardent lover of his art, and un accomplished player of the best school; while his......
"sweet Are The Charms Of Her I Love." A Canzonet.
By W. T. WOOD. A proud disdain of emphasis marks this canzonet ; nor does its author hesitate to clip the King's English, - as the following line sso printed in the copy) will......
Twenty-fire Short And Easy Voluntaries For The Organ. By The
Che- valier NEUKOMM. These Vcluntaries may be ranked in point of merit with a similar set by that equally industrious and once equidly well-known composer, J. MARSH, Esq. of......
Fine Arts.
TIIE SOCIETY OF BRITISH ARTISTS. II!ORE attentive survey of this exhibition, on a brighter (lay, mid 'catalogue in hand, has confirmed our first impresion, that it is but an......
Introduction And Variations On The Theme " Alice Gray." By
C. Ptsreett. After "Alice Gray' had taken her turn on the street-tarp, na, we hardly expected to see her advanced to the pianoforte. Such, however, is Mr. Porrea's ; and her......
Cliffihritrre De Mozart. A New And Correct Edition Of The
Piano.. fin te Works of Mozeae. Edited by C. POTTER. The appearance of another edition of Mozear's Pianoforte music, is a :strong and welcome evidence that its sale is not......