At the late Assizes held for the county of Durham,
Anthony Gib- ben was charged with cutting and maiming William Joplin, with ea intent to do him some grievous bodily hartn. The prosecutor ap- peared and produced the shovel with which he had been figured. The Jury, after consulting a quarter of an hour, returned with a verdict of "Manslanyhter," although the prosecutor was standing in front of them, with the shovel in his hand. The Judge said the verdict amounted to an acquittal, and dismissed the Jury forthwith. The court was convulsed with laughter, in which the Judge heartily joined.— Sturderhaal Herald.
A fter struggling for several months, greatly to their own pecuniary iejlay und the serious distress of numbers who can only be employed in conjunction with them, the tures out spinners of Oldham are mani- festing a decided anxiety to exchange their present unsettled state for
permanent work anil constant wages. On Monday, a number of the turn.outs returned to their places, and the machinery of several of the mills commenced working only eight hours per day. The employment of the new hands has not produced any materially unpleasant feeling. ...Manchester Guardian.
During the last three weeks, the railway trams between Liverpool and Manchester have not *infrequently performed the journey in one hour.—Manchester Guardian.
As some workmen were digging a tank, for the purpose of contain- ing water for the use of the baths of the Knaresborough Spa, about midway between Harrogate and Knaresborough, the water at the original spring was observed to diminish considerably in quantity, and the next morning it had totally disappeared.—Halifax Express.
On Thursday last, a lad named Palmer, son of a tailor at Taunton, having been chastised by his father for refusing to do the work set him, deliberately took up a hatchet, and putting his left band on a block, chopped off his left thumb above the joint, exclaiming, " Now, thank God ! they cannot make a tailor of me."—Taunton Courier.