Arrived -At the Cap !. Jan. Otb. Galatea, 'Fait. from London. At lhoinbay, Sealeby Castle, Sourly ; Carnatic, Broglie; and Triumph, (1 ''ii : from lane:oil. A lettais, 111'ree; HIlll Brooke. --- - ; c.viti Literpool. At Mad,.,., lice. Soil,. Al Vell, T.11111.y ; Lauy Flora. Ford ; 5411i. Weill, noon, Lindell ; 2'3ilt, Mary Atm, I :1:1.t.: Li anil .50th. Feesstris, Yates; from lann'on. At Bengal, Dee. lot, Lord 11.1,1;.,,,riord, F.,,,ptharson, horn Loudon; thl. Gree,son. Hamilton, irons the t'l de ; Si Vi.torta, 1V:isms, from Holmes. from Liverpool ; 22,1, Tropie, King from the Clyde; 211. Doke of Ruezleugb. Marti ti 27,11, Scotia, CamplwIl 251h. Hoke of NortImmlwrIatel. Pope ; 2)01. Gene- gins, Timms; Ann, Pylms: 31st, 13rozborrieriary. Chapman ; and Jett. 5th, Thomaa from Loudon; and St. Genre. Thompson. from lir istol. Sailed-From Gravesend. Morel, 17th, Stratheden, Cheape, for Beugal; and 20tb,, Minerva, Gray, for Bombay.
SATUansit Moitsitlfa.
Arrived-In the Downs. Pardon's. --. from Ceylon: and Elphinstnue, from Van Ili..men's Lund. At I■unbay. Dv. ith, !lerefonishire, !muse .on. from Lon. don; 8th, Port land.Co ibro, front Live.pool ; 441 Vestal, Lyon, from the Clyde.