25 MARCH 1837, Page 9


&WIC EXclispioe, TorlisritT AFTFRNOON,

The English Stock Market has been rather firmer, and an advance of price has occurred within the last few days. This rise may be considered as the re- sult of the improvement in the foreign exchanges; the rate. of which, upon the principal European cities, are higher ut present than they have been since the commencement of the pressure. Theme is an evident dinposition, however, among some of our linger capaalistn, to sell stock ; as, whenever the market is firm enough to bear any considerable quantity, sales are made, which cc inc the moment the price declines, and recommence upon every improvenient. Ru moors of commercial distress are continually circulated, and houses of the very first importanee have been indicated an being in a state of difficulty ; but it would lie unfair and ininchievoun to repeat these reports without some SUM foundations; than those upon which they ;Lillie ir to rest. In the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock has been the subject of one if thou panics to which it is so constantly subjected. sudden and unexpected re- verse of the Christino forces before Hernani, of which intellgenee was teceived in town on 1Slonday, has produced a deeline of 6 per cent, in the pike iif the Active Stock. The closing quotation of Saturday was 27k; the opening price on Monday 24; from which it apeeildy fell to 25 24. and idrimate:t to •;.3.3. On Tuesday the decline continued; and the B Is were done as low an 21, but rallied again to 22. On Wednesday, the market opened at 2.3 ; eddied 2:31 ; but fell soddenly to 22; and after reaching 221, closed at t!'.: to 1. This morning the opening price leas 22; and the market has drooped almost all day, aml inay be quond at its close at 2IA 1. The Poutugoese Bowls have fallen about :1 per cent. Dutch Stock is lower than last week, having given way about 4 per cent. The South Anwrican Stockv are heavy Brazilian, however, maintains ita price. awl scene; to be as much an ever sought after for iiivestnicilt. 'rite Bailwny Share Market is considerably latter; the London and Bir- mingham being from 51. to 71. higher than our last. The other varieties ITS SATURDAY. FOUR o'ctore.

The only incident worthy of notice which has occurred in the City to-day, has been the arrival of a large quantity of gold from Paris. The improvement in the rates of exchange, which we have recently had occasion to notice, is thus, we find, beginning to operate favourably to the increase of stock bullion. We are without material alteration in the price of the Foreign or English Funds. Spanish Stock has been at 21, but has since receded, and is now 2ta 3. The Railway Shares are the same as in the morning.

3par Cent. Consols 904 Danish 3 per Cents. 75 6

Ditto for Account 004 I Dutch 24 per Cents 524 34

3per Cent. Reduced shut Mexican 6 per Cent 23 24

Nos 34 per Cent Anus ex.div 98e 4 Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cts 474

Bank Stock — Ditto 3 per Cent. 304 India mock -- Ditto 5 per Cents 1836 Scrip. 504 Exchequer Rills 27 28 pr. Prussian (1818) 5 per Cent .. — Belgian 5 per Cents 1024 1 Russian (1822)5 per Cent... 1074 4

Brazilian 5 per Cents 864 7 Simnish (1835) 5 per Cent... 214 1 WOO at better prices ; but the principal characteristic of the market is the ces- sation of those sales on behalf of the Lancashire holders which have lately been so severely felt by it.


The English Market has been steady during the whole morning, with little &Mg. The Foreign Funds, with the exception of Spanish, are in a completely inactive state. The latter opened at 216 6; and after having beea at 21, are now 1. The Railway Shares are firm, at improved quotations,—London and Birmingham are 27 to 29 prem. ; Great Western 54 611 prem. ; Greenwich lj to 2 prem.; Southampton 15 to 14 ills.