Some of the Liverpool Reformers—not very hearty or sincere in
the cause, we suspect—are taking measures to introduce Mr. Evervie DexisoN as a candidate, in conjuuction with Mr. EWART, for the representation of Liverpool in the next Parliament. Do not these gen- tlemen know, in the first place, that Mr. DENISON is a noted Trimmer? Oust he voted for the Peel Spatter and the Peel Addregg ; and that he resumed his pseudo-Liberalism only when he found that the Tories were sure to be turned out of office ? Are they not aware that Mr. DENisox is charged with treachery by the Nottinghamshire Tories, who returned him as one of their own men at the last election ? Se- condly, we would ask whether a better method of securing Lord Sandon's election could be hit upon, than the bringing forward Mr. Desisoa ? All the Tories would vote for Mr. DENISON, to exclude Mr. Ewaters and in return, the Trimmers—the DENISON party—would give their votes to SANUON. Thus, Liverpool, instead of being represented by two Re- formers, would have for Members a Tory and a Trimmer—the former by far the more respectable of the two. Let the real Reformers of Liverpool reflect on these things ; and remember, moreover, that it was Mr. DENISON who first introduced
Lord SaNnost to the Liverpool constituency. Why, the plot is transparent—the aim is to get rid of the Liberal Member, and make Liverpool a Tory borough.