25 MAY 1907, Page 14


[To THE EDITOR OP ERR "Srscraros."1 SrE,—I should be greatly obliged if you could find it possible to publish these few lines. For the information of the increasing number of those who are interested in the Congo question, I beg to state that the following pamphlets can be obtained by apply- ing to the under-noted address :—" The Tragedy of the Congo: an Appeal to Parliament "; explaining the essentials of the system of misrule set up on the Congo, and its inevitable results. (Price 2d.) " Recent Evidence (lJnofficial) from the Congo" ; giving the narrative of Mr. 3. MeLe.ren and the Rev. John Whitehead, also the latest Italian, Swedish, and Belgian testimony. (Price 2d.) "More Official Evidence from the Congo"; contain- ing the Reports of Consul Nightingale and Vice-Consuls Michell and Armstrong (as per White-book) dissected and annotated. (Price ld.) " The Great Congo Iniquity " (Third Edition), by Harold Spender. (Price ld.) Shorter pamphlets entitled "The Congo Crime," "An Appeal to the British Public," and "Facts about the Congo" will be sent gratis upon receipt of three halfpenny stamps. The April issue of the Congo Reform Associa- tion's organ, containing an account of the proceedings com- memorating the third anniversary of the Association's existence, can still be procured, price one shilling, post-free—I am, Sir, de,