25 MAY 1907, page 13

[to To11 Eorroa Or Th. " Spzotat011." J Sir, — In Reference

to the verb "butcher," mentioned in an editorial note to a letter on " Swashbuckling " in the Spectator of May 18th, it may be of some interest to note that the verb " hutch "......

Mohammedan Law In India.

[To ran Eorroa or roe "SrearAros."J SntrYour "impression that under Indian legal practice any question not settled by the Codes, or by special statute, is decided by Mohammedan......

The Reserve Of Rifles.

[To TIM EDITOR or TH. "SPFCTWFOR....1 Sllt,—Important as it is that we should have a reserve of all munitions of war, it is of even greater moment that we should have the means......

Word-coining And Slang. [to The Editor Or She S.m.:for:1...

your article " Word-Coining and Slang" in last week's Spectator you speakpf the expression " to fire otft " as if it were American. But I do not think it is. You will find......


[To Tort Eynon or Tor .SrscraTos..] SIR,—I thank you for so courteously accepting my criticism in your last issue of this false formation, and for the inter- esting analogies......

Letters To The Editor.

UNREST IN INDIA. [To SIVE Forms or Tax "Sem-urns:1 Sia,—In your article of the 11th inst. on the subject of "Unrest in India" you state that It was always supposed that those......