25 MAY 1907, page 1

Continuing, Mr. Redmond Said That, As A Practical...

had consented that any instalment of Home-rule should be calmly considered on its merits, but with regard to the present Bill the Convention were masters. It was, however, his......

The Second Ballots In The Austrian General Election Were...

on Thursday, and the Times correspondent in Vienna says that the interest was keener than at the first ballots ten days ago. Then the contest was broad and impersonal, being......

M. Stolypin Explained The Government Scheme Of Agrarian...

the Dame on Thursday afternoon. All estates coming into the market will be purchased, and with the Crown and State lands will form a State Land Fund, whence the peasants will be......

0 : The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return. Manuscript,...


News Of The Week.

T HE Irish Nationalist Convention, attended by upwards of three thousand delegates from all parts of the country, met in Dublin on Tuesday, and unanimously rejected the Govern-......

On Monday M. Stolypin Read An Official Communigtoi To The

Dame describing a plot which was discovered in February to kill the Emperor, the Grand Duke Nicholas, and M. Stolypin himself. Twenty-eight conspirators were arrested on April......