Representatives of London University have been in Paris during the
week as the guests of the University of Paris and the Paris Municipal Council. They went to return the visit paid to London a few months ago by French Professors. The fetes began on Tuesday with a reception at the Sorbonne, at which M. Briand, Minister of Publics Instruction, presided. Among the English visitors were Sir Arthur Wicker, Principal of London University, and Sir Edward Busk, the Vice-Chan- cellor. M. Liard, the Vice-Rector of the Paris University, in his speech compared the formal constitution of the Paris University with the more loosely knit organisation of London University, which suggested the informality of an English park. He reminded the visitors, according to the Times correspondent, that once the caravans of English students assembled in a "nation," as the mediaeval• custom was, at the Paris University, and became so powerful that between 1318 and 1499 the Rectors of the University were Englishmen. The visitors were afterwards entertained at luncheon at the Hotel de Ville, which was decorated as lavishly as usual with flowers, and, if we may put it so, with the Municipal Guards in their splendid uniforms.