In Defence of the Faith. By Sir Robert 'Anderson. (Hodder
and Stoughton. 6s.)—The Roman Index sometimes oontained the works of injudicious champions and exponents of truth. If we had the system in force, Sir R. Anderson's " defenoes " would thus be dealt with. We shall not do more than quote a sentence from the last chapter: "The aim of the' Higher Criticism' is to banish God from the Bible." Has Sir R. Anderson ever seen a work known as "Hastings's Dictionary of the Bible " P That is an admirable example of the Higher Criticism as moderate men understand it. Some of • the most pious and able divines in this country and in America have contributed to it. Does he seriously charge them with the purpose of " banishing God from
the Bible"? Has he seen, again, Professor Maisfadyen's nIntro- duction to the Old Testament" (put forth by his own publishers)? Is this also an attempt to "banish God from the Bible " P