ItEADABLE NOTBLS.—The Secret. By E. Phillips Oppinheim. (Ward, Lock, and
Co. 8e.)—A' sensational political novel describing in a series of thrilling adventures the frustrating of a German plot for the invasion of England.—In Pastures New. By George Ade. (E. Grant Richards. 6s.)—A book describing the facetious experiences of an American tourist in Europe and Egypt. Readers who like this particular form of American slang will be amused by the book.—Dead Love Has Chains. By M. E. Braddon. (Hurst and Blackett. So. 6d.)—A somewhat painful story of modern life ; the work of a vigorous pen which forty years of novel-writing have not blunted.—The Ten Years' Agreement. By Constance Evan Jones. (Nisbet and Co. es.)—A clever exposé of the probable working of a very bizarre notion.