Raw Enrnows.—The Imperial Gazetteer of India. Vols. I., II., IV.
(The Clarendon Press. 6s. and 'Is. 6d. net per vol.)—The first edition of this work appeared in 1881. The second was published in 1885-87, the nine volumes of the first issue being augmented to fourteen. In 1893 the principal article, "India," was separately issued, with many additions, and in a generally revised form. Sir William Hunter had the direction of these undertakings. We have now before us three volumes of a third edition, so much enlarged—the fourteen volumes are to become twenty-six—and to so large an extent specially con- tributed, as to be a new work. The edition is also to have the novel feature of an atlas. Special articles are to be written by experts,—on the Indian flora, for instance, by Sir J. Hooker; on " The Languages and Vernacular Literature" by Dr. G. A. Grier- son ; on the "Sanskrit Period" by Professor A. A. Macdonell. We hope to return to the subject of this most valuable publication. The whole work can be purchased by an advance payment of £5 net, being a reduction of thirty-three per cent. on the stated price.
— English Versions of the Bible. By the Rev. J. I. Mombert, D.D. (S. Bagster and Sons. 2s. 6d. net.)—This is largely rewritten, and gives a very useful compendium of the subject. In the list there is no mention of the version made by W. Sharp.
— London City Churches. By A. E. Daniels. (A. Constable and Co. 3s. 6d. net.)—In "Everyman's Library," Edited by Ernest Rhys (J. M. Dent and Co., ls. net per vol.), Pre-Raphaelitism, and other Essays, by John Ruskin, and Elements of Drawing and Elements of Perspective, by the same; Atlas of Ancient and Classical Geography, founded on the work of Dr. Samuel Butler (formerly of Shrewsbury Schriol).—New and Old Letters to Dead Authors. By Andrew Lang. (Longmans and Co. Is. net.)— Hypnotism and Suggestion. By C. Lloyd Turkey, M.D. (BailliWe, Tindall, and Cox. 105. 6d. net.)