—AND. BLArionno.
Most species of birds utterly refuse to visit again an old
nest, much less to bring up in it a. second or third or fourth . family. Yet it is done : more than this it has been done this year. A correspondent from Edinburgh--where perhaps birds are more economical than here—writes in a charming letter : " A pair of blackbirds here are at present brooding their second clutch of eggs in the nest they built early in March and successfully hatched their first brood. of four young birds who still frequent the garden, quite on their own. The nest is built in a wall-shrub three feet or so from the garden door." The tameness of the hen bird is emphasized. Personally I have found the blackbird tamer on her nest than any other bird. The only three birds, so far as. I remember, that I have fed on the nest are a blackbird, a
greenfinch and a hedge sparrow. .
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