White Star Capital Increase.
At the recent annual meeting of the White Star Line, Lord Kylsant presented a satisfactory report to the share. holders, and in general his account of progress and views......
Sun Insurance Results.
Great steadiness in results has for some time been a feature of the annual reports of the Sun Insurance Office, and this is again displayed in the report for the past year. In......
Safeguarding Control.
_ On more than one occasion I have referred in these columns to the fact that certain companies controlled by British capital would be likely to take steps shortly to prevent......
Armstrong's Position.
At first sight the Annual Report of Armstrong Whitworth & Co. is a discouraging document in the sense that it shows a net loss of £552,000 after meeting all expenses and......
A Correction. _ Last Week, When Referring To The Excellent
results for the past year of the Liverpool and London and Globe Insurance Company, I mentioned that the year 1928 marked the eighteenth anniversary of the company's entry into......
Impending Loans.
It will not, I imagine, be long before the question of financing the enterprise will arise, and, having regard to the importance of the scheme 'as a whole, and the beneficial......
Alliance Assurance.
At the annual meeting of the Alliance Assurance Company, the chairman, Mr. Charles Barnett, gave some interesting figures showing the great progress achieved by the company......
Rapid Progress.
Already the Board has adopted schemes for five areas covering nearly one half of the country, and in connexion with the construction of the interconnecting wires, or grid,......
Financial Notes
ELECTION UNCERTAINTIES. IT says much for the undercurrent of hopefulness and also perhaps for the sound technical condition of markets as a whole that, in spite of the proximity......
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to notify the SPECTATOR Office BEFORE MIDDAY on MONDAY OF EACH WEEK. The previous address to which the paper has been Beni and receipt reference number ehoutd be quoted. "......