At the annual meeting of the Alliance Assurance Company, the chairman, Mr. Charles Barnett, gave some interesting figures showing the great progress achieved by the company during the past five years. During that period, the life premiums in the Alliance fund increased from £975,000 to £1,873,000, a rise of 40 per cent. In the fire department there was a rise from £1,877,000 to £2,042,000, or 9 per cent. In the marine department, the income rose from £495,000 to £555,000, while m the accident department premiums advanced from £602,000 to £1,054,000, or about 75 per cent. The quinquennium in the life department gave a rate of bonus of 42s. per cent. per annum, as compared with 34s., and the chairman emphasized the fact that this great increase had not been made at the expense of safety.
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