Gentlewomen's Holiday Guild.
During many years past a few ladies here have provided a fortnight's holiday, during the summer season, in Tunbridge Wells, for gentlewomen from London and elsewhere who are......
Homer Or Horace ?
Referring to your " General Knowledge Questions " of April 27th, where does the Rev. F. K. Fell find the quotation, interdum dormitat Homerus ? Mr. Fell knows his Homer better......
Friends Unborn WITH this one friend—I ask no mere— To love me till I die, I sing my songs that, after death, My friends may multiply. To make this world, when I am gone, Think......
A Hundred Years Ago
THE SPECTATOR, MAY 23RD, 1829. TEA. The urn, we regret to say it,no longer sends up its steamy column ; we are no longer refreshed by the view of its classic form, nor by the......
Heisaw Aatnua Jones
I am the literary executrix of my father, Henry Arthur Jones, and I am now engaged on writing his life. I shall be very grateful if any of his friends having interesting letters......
Points From Letters "cut The Cackle And Get To The
'OSSES.." Can any of your readers say where this admirable motto, so appropriately quoted by Mr. Baldwin the other day, is to be found ?—H. M. W. [Surely this is a dictum of the......
An Appreciation From Egypt
(REcurveri BY CABLE.) [To the Editor of the SPECTAToR.] Six,—As an Egyptian landlord I beg to convey my sincerest appreciation of the good will of His Britannic Majesty's......
The Presence Of Flowers.
This charming Essay reminds me of a time many years ago when I used to walk almost daily from Earl's Court Road to Cromwell Road by way of that quiet old oasis in the desert of......
The Country House Smell.
Why am I neglected by Miss W. M. Letts in her charming article in your issue of May 18th ? Surely I smell deliciously —much better than " paraffin oil " ?—WOOD SMOKE.......
In Defence Of The Faith
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] Sut,—I am much obliged to the Rev, Fr. Woodlock for his brief but kindly reply, in your May 11th issue, to my letter on certitude in religion.......
British Reformation Society.
A meeting of the Society for Promoting the Religious Principles of the Reformation was held yesterday morning in the large room of the Freemason's Hall, which was completely......
The " Spectator" And Cruelty
IN response to a communication sent out from our Circulation Department we received the following letter :- " I shall certainly not nominate or recommend any friends to......