25 MAY 1929, Page 34


At the recent annual meeting of the White Star Line, Lord Kylsant presented a satisfactory report to the share. holders, and in general his account of progress and views concerning the future were of an encouraging character. These are days when there is keen competition in the Atlantic traffic, but it is evident that the White Star Line has more than held its own. Its vessels, and particularly the `Majestic' and `Olympic,' have long been prime favourites with the travelling public. In the course of his speech, Lord Kylsant made an interesting announcement that the company had ordered from Harland and Wolff, of Belfast, a fine new mail vessel to be named the Oceanic.'_ The origin of the name appears to be due to the fact that, when the company's transatlantic service was commenced fifty-eight years ago, the first important steamer was the Oceanic.' The new vessel will inaugurate a new era in the propulsion of large transatlantic passenger vessels, as it will be electrically driven.